Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Doing some research

I was so excited to tell my mom my brilliant idea, and she asked if this was legal & would I go to jail?!?!?  Well, I am looking into the "technicalities" of this endeavor. 
So, I will keep you updated on my progress toward legitimacy - if it is a necessary thing.  I live in the state of Indiana, so I am researching their regulations.

I will address the top 4 points from that website now:
"Before engaging in a fundraising solicitation campaign with a charity, Indiana law requires that professional solicitors provide the attorney general's office with information about the fundraising campaign, including the percentage of the gross contributions or revenue that the charitable organization will receive. Indiana law also requires professional solicitors to disclose to a consumer at the time of the solicitation and before the consumer agrees to make a contribution: 

(1) the name and, upon request, the address of the charitable organization that is being represented; 
(2) the fact that the person soliciting the contribution is, or is employed by, a professional solicitor, and the fact that the professional solicitor is compensated; 
(3) the full name of the professional solicitor and, upon request, the telephone number the person being solicited can call to confirm the information provided; and 

(4) the charitable purpose for which the funds are being raised."

First point: I am not an organization & not a non-profit. We are a family.
Second point: I am not representing an organization, my husband is employed by a church, but this endeavor is in no way related. I am not a professional solicitor. No one is compensating my efforts, in fact, there's nothing to compensate.
Third point: Though I am not a professional, my full name is Jill Ann Watson and my phone number is 530-417-7559 my email is jyllebean75@yahoo.com 
Fourth point: The charitable purpose: to provide funds (similar to a scholarship) to families who have applied to and been approved for adoption through an accredited adoption agency. The Adoption Option is an expensive one: forms, bureaucracy, etc.  The agency we have applied through is Journeys of the Heart.
So, for now I will continue to seek council on the legality of fundraising online. I welcome anyone that may know more, or know where to look. 
For now, know that your donation is not tax deductible. 100% of donations are going to be given away. Individuals and their contributions will be posted and updated regularly. I have made Hearts charms, but to mail them would be counter productive, with stamps being at least $.44  So, we'll have to work that out. 

Late night inspiration

I've got sinus meds coursing through my veins and an overactive imagination running wild. So, yes, it is 4 am. I do need sleep, I have a study group at church in the morning.  oh wait, it IS morning.
This project is bigger than me and my family. 
We applied for adoption from India over a year ago and were approved. Well, at the time we were in Louisiana, and about to move... to where? Well...  God brought us to Indiana in spring 2010 and we've been here a year now. So, our adoption delays are self-inflicted, but we're trying to be responsible.
My hubby is a pastor at a Bible church in NWI, I stay home with the boys, and work 5 hrs a week at the church. We have a cute house - nothing fancy - we have no inheritances, old college debt, etc. We are both in our mid-thirties.  We are blessed to have 2 beautiful healthy boys...  Way too much testosterone in this house.
Well, I had prayed for girls... adoption, we believe, is God's answer. There are thousands of unwanted children in the world...  why not make one of those our own. I'm not that cute where I need a daughter who looks like me.  I know at least one wants to be "daddy's little girl."